Whi Is It Funny When Its Quiet

200+ Best Responses to "Why Are You So Quiet?"

Cheeky Kid is a cybernaut who spends a lot of time browsing the web, grasping infinite information, and reveling in entertainment and fun.

This article helps you answer the question "why are you so quiet" by providing over 200 of the best responses.

This article helps you answer the question "why are you so quiet" by providing over 200 of the best responses.

How to Respond to "Why Are You So Quiet?"

"Why are you so quiet?"

You'd be lying if you told me that you've never been asked this question before. It's a simple question that we usually overlook. Yet it pops out of nowhere more often than not.

Some people show too much curiosity about other people's silence. At times, they can be super annoying and irritating. That's why it's not surprising when quiet people decide to be cheeky about their responses.

So, if for any reason you find yourself frequently asked why you're so quiet, then, by all means, use this collection as you see fit. This list of best replies, funniest comebacks, and wittiest answers to the question "why are you so quiet?" is here to back you up!

What to Say When Someone Asks Why You're So Quiet

  • Always lost in my own thoughts.
  • And?
  • Aren't you making a hasty generalization? That's not polite at all.
  • Because I have nothing to add right now.
  • Because I know something you don't know.
  • Because I observe, process, and consider my options before I speak.
  • Because if I spoke, you wouldn't hear the end of it.
  • Because the world is so loud.
  • Bold of you to assume I'm quiet.
  • Classified information.
  • Constantly spewing bullsh*t isn't my thing.
  • Continuously talking isn't really communicating.
  • Does silence make you anxious?
  • Don't mind me. Mind the others because they're the ones that have lots of things to say about you.
  • Don't worry, I'll jump in when I have something to say.
  • Eavesdropping is easier this way.
  • Everyone else is just too damn loud.
  • Excuse me?
  • Good gracious, I don't deserve your attention!
  • Haven't you talked enough already?
  • I beg your pardon?
  • I don't feel like talking. Can you do it for me?
  • I don't like to talk unless I have something worth saying.
  • I don't know.
  • I just like to listen.
  • I keep forgetting my lines.
  • I learn more when I'm intently listening.
  • I only talk to people I like.
  • I tried talking once and it didn't really work for me.
  • I'm more of an observer and a listener.
  • I'm observing you. No pressure, seriously.
  • I'm still choosing my words.
  • In order to allow people like you to keep on talking.
  • Is there anything you want me to say?
  • It's the best way to listen.
  • Less talk, less mistake.
  • Meh, I'm tired.
  • Most people talk too much. I'm just balancing the scales.
  • My brain just won't let me interrupt people. So when I finally get a chance to speak, the subject has already changed.
  • My lips are sealed.
  • My parents told me not talk to strangers.
  • My social anxiety keeps getting in the way.
  • My, I'm speechless!
  • Never enjoyed talking to people.
  • No one ever talks to me, so I've forgotten how to communicate properly in social situations.
  • No one listens to me anyway.
  • No reason.
  • Nobody here ever says anything worth a response.
  • Not talking keeps me out of trouble.
  • Nothing.
  • Oh, I hadn't noticed.
  • One day, everyone will know.
  • People always ask dumb questions.
  • Shhhhhhh!
  • Silence is beautiful, isn't it?
  • Small talk annoys me.
  • So what?
  • Sorry?
  • Speak and you shall be spoken to.
  • Stop disturbing me. I'm thinking.
  • Take a puff and hop into my world of quiet happiness.
  • Talking is overrated!
  • Thanks for noticing.
  • That's because I'm really good at minding my own business.
  • The world would probably be a better place if more people were quiet.
  • Then let me ask you this, why are you so loud?
  • There isn't any opportunity to get a word in.
  • There's nothing wrong with a little quiet.
  • There's really nothing worth saying in most situations.
  • This is how I deal with stressful situations.
  • This is how I've always been.
  • What would you like to talk about?
  • Why are you so inquisitive?
  • Why should I utter a handful of words when my face says it all?
  • Yes.

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Sometimes it can be difficult to respond to questions about your quietness. It's often better to say something than continue staring in silence. Try out some of these retorts and comebacks the next time you find yourself in this situation!

Sometimes it can be difficult to respond to questions about your quietness. It's often better to say something than continue staring in silence. Try out some of these retorts and comebacks the next time you find yourself in this situation!

Funny Answers to "Why Are You So Quiet?"

  • Actually, I just farted. I was trying to be discreet.
  • Aren't most serial killers quiet?
  • Be careful, they're watching us.
  • Because I'm just like the "g" in lasagna.
  • Because I'm not making any sound.
  • Because the demons in my head are too loud.
  • Because the last person I talked to ended up in the hospital.
  • Because Satan hears and doesn't do anything until its time.
  • Busy mentally undressing you.
  • Clearly, you haven't mastered the art of telepathy.
  • Congratulations, you got the silent treatment!
  • Don't tell anyone, but I'm a ninja.
  • Don't worry, I'm not planning to kill you. Well, not yet.
  • Every time I speak, an ant dies, and I just can't bear to live with the guilt.
  • Forgot my vocal chords. Left them at home.
  • I am not at liberty to disclose that at the current juncture.
  • I have the right to remain silent. Anything I say can and will be used against me in a court of law.
  • I am now a Buddhist monk,and I have taken the vow of silence.
  • I can't tell you, because then it would definitely be premeditated.
  • I don't like talking to my soon-to-be victims.
  • I don't like to talk over the voices in my head.
  • I don't want to let the demons out.
  • I don't want to disturb the ghosts.
  • I forgot which water bottle has the poison in it.
  • I see dead people.
  • I'm Batman.
  • I'm collecting intel to use against you in the future.
  • I'm in energy-saving mode.
  • I'm judging you as quiet as I can.
  • I'm not.
  • I'm plotting my grand escape.
  • I'm preparing for the mayhem.
  • I'm thinking of where I should hide the bodies
  • I'm too stoned for talking.
  • I'm trying to fart without shitting myself.
  • I've seen things, so many horrible things
  • If you wish to speak to me, press 1. If you want to end this conversation, press 2.
  • It's easier to plan the murders this way.
  • Just planning your funeral.
  • Just thinking about your mother.
  • Just waiting for the poison to kick in.
  • Mind me not. I was just wondering how you would look like without skin.
  • My lips are lazy.
  • No Engrish, please.
  • No hablo Ingles.
  • Oh sorry, I just took a nap
  • Oh sorry I forget that you can't hear the words inside my head too.
  • People that I talk to usually die within 3 days.
  • Silence is better than a chair in the face.
  • So I can hear your heartbeats.
  • Sorry, I was afk.
  • Talking will get us both killed in this situation.
  • That's not what your mom said last night.
  • The extraterrestrials have trouble reading my thoughts when I'm quiet.
  • There's currently a party happening inside my head. And no, you're not invited!
  • Thought you'd never ask. Actually, I need money. Got some?
  • Unfortunately, I've already exceeded my word limit.
  • Wait a second, let me google the answer.
  • Wait...you can see me?
  • What? I was born mute!
  • Woah, they were right! They actually told me that you would ask me that.
  • You can't get me to talk. I will never betray my allies!
  • You talk enough for both of us.
Responding in a funny manner to the question "why are you so quiet?" can diffuse tension by making the person you're speaking with laugh.

Responding in a funny manner to the question "why are you so quiet?" can diffuse tension by making the person you're speaking with laugh.

Best Comebacks and Excuses to "Why Are You So Quiet?"

  • Actually, I talk a lot. Just not to you.
  • And how does my silence make you feel?
  • Are you sure you want to ask that question? You're gonna regret it.
  • Are you the Queen? If not, then don't talk to me!
  • Because I don't talk to trash. I burn it.
  • Because I'm silent but violent. Now please kindly mind you own business.
  • Because then you would want me to shut up.
  • Because unlike you, I have complete control over my stupid thoughts.
  • Because you never shut up. Any other questions?
  • Begone, I have nothing to say to lowly riffraff!
  • Cause I f*cking speak with purpose.
  • Dear, not every waking moment needs be filled with words.
  • Do I look like a chatterbox to you?
  • Do quiet people bother you?
  • Do you want me to start shouting?
  • How much are you willing to pay me to talk?
  • Hush, I'm trying to imagine a world without you in it.
  • I didn't realize I was here to entertain you.
  • I don't know. Why is your hairline so weird?
  • I hate it when people ask me foolish questions.
  • I like to have intelligent conversations, but the only person around is you.
  • I prefer to keep my thoughts to myself.
  • I was trying to avoid irritating pricks like you.
  • I'm actually an introvert. Watch out, it's contagious!
  • I'm not quiet, you're just noisy.
  • If I wasn't, you'd be terrified.
  • If you say something of intellectual substance, maybe I'll start talking.
  • Just because I don't talk to you doesn't mean I don't talk.
  • Maybe you are just too loud.
  • My friend, you have a keen sense of the obvious.
  • None of your f*cking business!
  • Not wasting my words on idiots.
  • Not with my buddies.
  • Obviously, it's so I can hear you.
  • Only when you're around.
  • Prove it!
  • So everyone can hear how much of jerk you are!
  • So I don't have to ask the questions.
  • Sorry, I don't speak bullsh*t.
  • Thank god you noticed. I thought no one ever would.
  • That's because I don't like the sound of my own voice.
  • Well, if you would just shut your trap for a full second, then maybe I could talk.
  • Why aren't you?
  • Why? Am I supposed to be yelling?
  • Whatever you are talking about does not interest me.
  • You are very intrusive.
  • You aren't worth my words, peasant!
  • You don't wanna know what I'm thinking.
  • You haven't been listening all this time, that's why!
  • You talk a lot, yet you're not saying anything.
It's not wrong to give a comeback or excuse when someone pries about your quiet nature. Feel free to let a good line fly and see how they handle it!

It's not wrong to give a comeback or excuse when someone pries about your quiet nature. Feel free to let a good line fly and see how they handle it!

Witty and Clever Replies to "Why Are You So Quiet?"

  • A fool speaks and a wise man listens.
  • About ten years ago, I ran out of things to say.
  • As they say, the quiet ones are the most dangerous.
  • Better to shut your mouth and appear dumb, than open it and remove all doubt.
  • Busy hands achieve more than restless tongues.
  • Do you want me to be honest or do you want me to be nice?
  • Don't worry, I won't tell anyone your secret...for now.
  • Empty cans make the most noise.
  • Even when I'm silent, my mind never stops talking.
  • Having two ears and one mouth means we should listen twice as much as we talk.
  • Huh? Can't you hear me screaming deep inside?
  • I agree.
  • I'm trying to be the change I want to see in the world.
  • If they hear me talking, they'll hunt me.
  • It's always calm before the storm.
  • It's been like this ever since the war.
  • Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.
  • Loose lips sink ships.
  • My anxiety will hit me later if I say the wrong thing.
  • My mom always told me: "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all."
  • My parents are librarians.
  • Not needing to say every single thing that comes to mind is a great feature of mine.
  • Not talking considerably improves upon the silence.
  • Oh, did you want to talk about the weather?
  • One of us already has the monopoly of being noisy.
  • Please try it sometime.
  • Plotting a crime out loud is totally absurd, isn't it?
  • Quiet people like me exists to balance out noisy people like you.
  • Silence happens to be my favorite sound.
  • Sorry, your attractiveness distracted me.
  • Speech is silver, but silence is golden.
  • The souls escape whenever I open my mouth.
  • Those who know, do not speak. Those who speak, do not know.
  • Wasting words is not my style.
  • What was that? The silence between us is too deafening.
  • Wise humans usually talk because they have something to say. Fools, on the other hand,talk because they think that they must say something.
  • Words are currency. Once you overuse them, they loose their value.
  • Words are unnecessary. They can only do harm.
  • You do the talking, I do the listening.
  • Your question makes it seem like being quiet is a bad thing.
Clever and witty responses to inquisitive friends or strangers are sure to get a laugh or at least a quizzical look. Why not keep them on their toes?

Clever and witty responses to inquisitive friends or strangers are sure to get a laugh or at least a quizzical look. Why not keep them on their toes?

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

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Source: https://pairedlife.com/etiquette/Best-Responses-to-Why-Are-You-So-Quiet

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