Bradley James Bradley James Funny Moments

This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Bradley Askwith. We will remember him forever.

Bradley was an integral part of the regional team and GBI team at Merck Healthcare and words cannot begin to express how much he will be missed. He is survived by his wife, Lisa, and two daughters, Teghan and Tahlia. We ask for your thoughts and condolences for their family at this difficult time.

Brad, as he was fondly known, was a dependable colleague and a joy to work with. He was passionate about helping colleagues across the region realise their potential and drove several capability programs with great enthusiasm. He also collaborated closely with teams across the globe to support APAC colleagues in preparing for high priority launches, driving critical Launch excellence in the team. Brad was a valued and loved member of our team for almost 8 years, and this is a great loss to us. We hope that the quiet strength and determination we have seen in him over the years, guides and helps us all during this time.

Brad was more than a colleague to those in Merck who knew him. Many of us knew him as a friend. Outside work, Brad loved to keep fit and you would often be able to find him going for a run or riding his bike. He easily made friends and strong bonds with those who knew him through these activities and they will remember him as the happy-go-lucky person he always was.

if you would like to make a donation to Brad's family, please contact or

Dear Brad,

It has taken the girls and I a while to be able to write this tribute to you. Writing the eulogy for your funeral was so very hard, while at the same time feeling so unreal. None of could be believe you were gone, so instead we focused on making sure you saw how much we loved you, and how appreciated, loved, and respected you were by all of your friends, both professionally and personally. It was wonderful to see the love everyone had for you, and amazing to see your funeral overflowed with people from around the world, work colleagues, and friends, who over the years have become family, and came in the place of them, to make sure you had the send-off you deserved. I will be forever grateful for the kindness that was shown to myself and the girls by so many people who loved you, during this tragic time. Their support meant so much to us, and proved how loved you are.

Words really can't describe how we feel about losing you, nor the devastating reality of watching the girls realise just what this means for them, they both cry at night hoping for just one more hug, yet knowing that it will never come. There is now a massive gap in their lives that will never be filled, and while we draw some comfort from knowing you are finally with Ethan, we wish you were still here for, and with us.

We will always love you, need you, and think of you. I hope you can feel our love and know that you will never be forgotten, and I will do everything I can to make sure the girls can see and remember all of the wonderful things you did, and the generous soul you were.

Once again our eulogy to you; we love and miss you, and will cherish the memories we have xxx

Brad we all love you immensely, and simply cannot believe you have left us so soon. Your gentle soul and nature has been seen by so many who grieve your parting from us. Teghan, Tahlia and myself are in shock from your leaving, and can only hope that you have found peace in being with Ethan again. We will now have 2 guardian angels looking over us.

We had so many plans for the future together, and were preparing to embark on our next stage of life, and watch the girls start to really find out who they are, as they moved though schooling in Singapore. While at the same time planning for our lives over the next several years and our eventual wind down to a lifestyle based life where we could enjoy our time together and the world much more.

The last few days have shown me, how greatly you were loved by so many people. From around the world your friends and colleagues have reached out, not just to share their shock, but their loss at losing you, such a wonderful and loved member of their communities. Your humble integrity and inspiration touched the hearts and minds of others, and lead them to be a better version of themselves. Not many can lay claim to being such an inspiration, and I know that you would never claim to be such, you have always doubted yourself too much and been too humble. But the reality is you are, and I truly hope that you are looking down from heaven and seeing the impact you made, and the legacy you have left for so many.

It is heartening, for Teghan, Tahlia and myself to see the legacy you have left, both in the cycling community and in your workplace. If you ever doubted it, you were truly loved, admired and appreciated. I hope you can see that and believe you made a difference, and that you will always be remembered, not just by us, but by a legion of people your generous soul touched.

I remember when we first met, and we were both developing our careers. I so wanted to get into the pharmaceutical industry, yet you were already comfortably working as a Bank Manager. When I talked passionately about why I wanted pharmaceuticals you become really interested. Which was funny considering how much you hated biology at school, or in reality school in general! However, you watched me go through a couple of interviews and your interest grew. It's funny how things work out, you actually became interested enough to apply for one of the jobs I did not get, and low and behold you got it instead!!! I remember coaching you through basic biology and how we just clicked and became even closer. I went on to do a couple of years in corporate sales management before joining the pharmaceutical world, but you went on to take it by storm and enjoyed every experience and role that came your way. It was such a difference from school, which you hated! Instead you enjoyed learning and stretching yourself. It's amazing to look back and remember those beautiful memories and how we each had such an impact on each other's lives. We earned and grew together, and it really felt like us against the world, we could successfully take on anything! I really hope our girls can understand that one day, and find a relationship like that or themselves.

You found your calling and absolutely loved the pharmaceutical world. Who would ever have thought that the boy who hated biology and English could flourish into a man who not only loved both, but excelled at them. Over achieving on his own, but also supporting others and helping them soar. You became a star, and I really hope you realise that.
We spent many amazing years together, building our lives and careers, and enjoying travel and new experiences. I can't believe we have been together since 1997. It seems to have moved so quickly! Which only shows what a great relationship we have had. We have seen many amazing places together and had the opportunity to raise a beautiful family, despite the challenge of losing Ethan as a baby.

I still remember you holding our babies, Teghan, Tahlia, and Ethan for the first time, the look on your face was pure joy. The love you held for them was there for everyone to see. I know I can show Tahlia and Teghan the photos we have and even as they grow up without you they will be able to see the love you held for them. I never want them to doubt that, or forget how special it was.
I just wish we had managed to make it to the next phase of our lives together, we had so many plans and dreams. I am so sorry that you will not be there to enjoy them with us. It just seems so wrong and such a waste of a wonderful life to have you leave this soon. We all love you so very much.
I know you will be with Ethan, watching over us forever, but still wish so very much that the two of you were still here with us. I never thought you would join him so soon, instead I thought we still had many years of happily watching the girls grow together.

You were a beautiful soul who will be dearly missed, I hope you can see that from where you are now, and know that we will always love you.

With great love and sadness, your wife, Lisa; Teghan and Tahlia xxxxx

Hi Brad,

It's still hard to find a word to say goodbye.

You were a reliable colleague and leader with lots of positivity, and I am grateful that I had many chances to work with you.

Seeing that many people who were sincerely grieving at your service, it reminded me that you were a loved colleague and friend by many of us.

May your soul rest in peace.

This is very shocking news for me,
Brad is one of the nicest and humble human being I came across during my short stint @ MERCK INDIA, the training's that you imparted were very useful and I am deeply indebted to you for the same, may your soul rest in peace and god give strength to your family always
With all my prayers

We remember the many times we spent with you.
We learned a lot from you, and we were happy through those times.
Even in the small country of Korea, there will be many people who remember you from all over the world.
We hope you can rest in peace in heaven because you lived passionate life...


Dear Brad,
I am shocked and deeply saddened to hear that you have gone so suddenly. May you rest in peace. You were always cheerful, and a pleasure to be around. Thank you for being such a great colleague and friend to many of us.
My deepest condolences to Lisa, Teghan, and Tahila. I pray that they will have strength during this time of grief.

Brad I still can't believe you have gone. We feel honored to have known you and lucky to have spent time with you over the years, gone way too soon

RIP together with Ethan again ❤️
Karen and Mario

Brad. I cant believe you are gone. It has been a great pleasure knowing you for the past few years. It has been a great pleasure knowing you and learning from you. Our interactions were professional but I consider you as a friend. Rest in peace dear Brad. I will miss you. Kevin

I will always remember you as someone bringing a lot of positive energy during our discussions, very helpful and always smiling !

Rest in peace dear Brad.

Dearest Brad,

It's still hard to understand that you are gone, you left too early and too young and still had so much to accomplish. The rest of the GBI team and I will miss your big smile, positivism, calmness, and great sense of humor. We carry with us your legacy of passionately strengthening and reskilling the organization with high quality. You were a highly valued team member and human being, and you will be deeply missed.
You will live on in the hearts of everyone that cared so much about you. Rest in peace.

Dear Brad,
Sending my thoughts and prayers for the eternal repose of your soul and may God's comforting grace be sent to your family, loved ones, and colleagues in the hours of grief.
I am thankful of your support and guidance as my mentor in my extended role as Training Manager. Rest in Peace.

Dear Brad,

Still shocked and cannot believe we lost a great colleague at work. It's always a pleasure to work with you for some projects and trainings provided. We always knew you were a reliable colleague to go for interns of skill training, capability building, & brand planning…even personal tips for running! We recall your kindness and you will be missed by all who knew you. Rest In Peace.

Brad, I'm still coming to grips with the fact that I can't pick up the phone or open teams to have a quick chat, whether it's about work, sports, or just something we heard in a meeting we may have been in together. You were an absolute joy to work with – always reliable and full of positivity. Outside work, you always inspired me to push myself further with your incredible athletic feats, whether it was cycling, running or tennis. I was so fortunate to have to have met you; you will be missed dearly. May your soul rest in peace.

Hi Brad,

I will miss you. You inspired me in so many ways and while we did speak about it I was holding it out till July 2022 having completed 1 year of riding with you. I should have done it sooner. You were strong, compassionate and never made anyone around you feel small. I always felt your equal whether it was a social ride or a competitive happy hour. I have got so much better over the last year and thankful for all the messages to encourage when we met or over chat. RIP Brad!

Hey Brad,

Still remember like it was yesterday where we went to Frankfurt for a meeting and you we're so friendly, warm & caring for each of us represented from Asia. You we're always very positive and the news of your passing came to a shock to me. You will be sorely miss and my prayers goes to your family. May God's grace, peace and love to surround your love ones always.

Much love

I still cannot believe you are gone. I will always remember your smile and kindness. Rest in peace Brad and we will miss you.

Dear Brad,

I am truly sad and sorry to hear that you are gone - Rest in peace.

Over past 8 years, we have worked together on so many diverse projects from capability building initiatives, strategy and cultural transformation workshops. You have been a great colleague and excellent company.

I and the team will keep missing you in times to come.

My deepest condolences to the family. Hope they gather the courage to bare this loss



Hi Brad,
Very sad and it's hard to believe you are gone. Thank you for your great collaboration, contribution and support for the success of Indonesia team. Rest in peace Brad. Our thoughts and condolences for dear Lisa, Teghan and Tahila. God will always protect and make you stronger.

Hi Brad,

Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure
You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure

Hi Brad,

Thanks for your help for my on boarding to the company and spend the time together. Will keep my prayer and in my remembrance.

I am deeply saddened by the news of losing a mentor. Thank you so much for your guidance, support and patience when I embarked on a new role.
The sun has set on an amazing life.                                        My sincerest condolences to the family he has left behind and praying for strength for them during this time of grief.

Brad, I regret not having caught up with you over the past couple of years. You have been a positive influence and I've seen that in the friends and company that you have, not to mention to Amigos. We always felt comfortable when you were with us in our rides, you always looked out for our safety and wellbeing, and you're a cool guy to hang out with. When I fell on rides you will always check in on me personally, even during my recovery. I will miss your smart/funny one liners that were always on point :D Your achievements in cycling have always been an inspiration to me and others too. We will miss you.

Dear Brad,
The news of you leaving us left us in shock. Over the last few days I've remembered our times together. Your smiling, peaceful demeanor will always remain in my memory, and your neat hair style. We used to pull each other's legs during the cricket contests. I will miss all these. It must be very tough for Lisa and the girls and I pray to god to give them the strength and direction to tide through this difficult phase. I am sure wherever you are you will be always smiling and cheering us. Till we meet on the other side.

Dearest Brad,

I still can't believe it, too soon, too young, too early. I will always remember your warmness, smile and you dedication to teaching coaching and developing people around you. By now I'm sure every APAC employee has benefit from your skill set, training …and you leave behind you a legacy. I pray for you, your beautiful family and I hope you Rest In Peace!


I still can't say anything in word that can express how much sorrow I'm experiencing even I have learnt about this sad news for few days. I cannot tell how much I'm grieved to have such loss of great buddy at work.
I still remember your 1st training provided to me when I just joined this company...and I am so glad to have you help my latest workshop just not long ago.
You will be missed forever and we will transform the grief into love and care.

May your family stay well and.... see u there in the rainbow.

Dear Brad

Utterly shocked and saddened by your sudden passing. You were taken way too soon. Although separated by distance you will forever be in our minds and hearts. May we take some comfort in knowing you will now be reunited with your adored little boy, Ethan and your mum. Another angel to grace our skies. Rest in Peace dear Brad. Love always Bec, Josh, Lily and Hugo xx

Words cannot express our sadness at losing a friend. Brad will be remembered as an amazing person, a great friend, loving husband and father. We have many memories from sporting events, dinners, catch ups and our children's parties, but never enough. We cherish the time we had with him and will never forget. And of course, every Roosters game, AFL match, Adelaide United game and basketball game, we know Brad will be there in spirit.
With love and a heavy heart,
The Stacey Family

Gone way too soon mate. It's amazing to read the impact you have had on so many people from across the world. I'm going to miss your cheeky smile, the banter about the footy and in particular your beloved Swans. Miss you so much already. Love Glen, Monique, Meg, Tom and Dan.

Brad, I'm lost for words and still in shock since I learned what happened. Too early, too soon! You were always kind, supportive and relaxed, whether during workshops or meetings, but underneath that, there was a strong drive to succeed, in helping people moving forward, in getting things done. You will be dearly missed!

Rest in Peace!


Words cannot describe the loss we feel. We are utterly devastated to lose someone so special as you Bradley, our best friend, mate and mentor. We are so grateful for the wonderful memories we shared together over the many years. Now, there is a new bright star in the Southern sky and that beautiful star is you! You are always and forever in our hearts. RIP Bradley, we love you and we miss you terribly. Kasia, Paul, Adam and Daniel.

Posted by Louis RD on May 21, 2022

Rest in Peace Brad.
I will always remember you as Brad, a warm, humble, genuine and a good friend.
God bless your soul and my deepest condolences to your family.

To Brad's work colleagues and part of Brad's family in Australia we are so comforted to read your tributes to Brad. It truly is heart-warming for us to know how much he was respected and loved.

We can't thank you enough for shining a light on Brad's working life and the difference he made to you, either professionally or personally. It is so precious for us, as Brad's family, to know that.

To Brad......A lot of my own special memories of you go back to when you were very little. This one was when you were around two years old....
You loved to race around the house on your plastic three wheeler bike. I'll never forget your beaming smiley face when you would "accidentally" crash in to your mother's legs while she was standing at the kitchen sink. Mum wasn't happy but you (and I) loved it.

Brad, on behalf of your mother's legs and everyone else in your path, there was great relief when your bike riding skills improved immensely.

We will miss you so much Brad. We hope you know that your two beautiful girls will be loved and supported by us all. They will always know how much you loved and cared for them. We know you were the best father and they will too.

Finally Brad.... rest in peace.

Aunty Liz and Uncle Mark


A son to Denis and Heather Askwith, a brother and Uncle. We feel numb that you are not here, trying to make sense of it all. Silent thoughts of our time together hold memories that last forever. We will miss your phone calls and what we shared with one another. We know you a resting peacefully and having a good ole chat with Mum! We love you Rest In Peace Brad. You will always be in our hearts, Denis, Tracey, Dave, Bailey and Jordan xxxx

On behalf of Yvonne Gigney;

Brad you will always be lovingly remembered and thankyou for all the fun times we shared. The pure delight on your face with the birth of your beautiful children will remain with us forever. So many memories, holidays away, family bbq's, fishing trips. Happy family times. You will live in our hearts forever. Rest in peace. All our love Bill, Yvonne and family

Dear Bradley - the Guru,

I will long remember your genuinely warm and calm personality. You were a trusted colleague who delivered high-quality work. Your passion and energy dedicated to capability development have certainly inspired me and many others. You will be sorely missed. Goodbye Brad. Rest in Peace.

Going to miss you mate, Even though we were completely opposite in careers, lifestyles and interests whenever I caught up with you it was like seeing my best mate. Was just good fun and plenty of laughs.
Reading all the tributes left for you it just shows how true it really was, you are just a good bloke.
No matter who you were dealing with from which country we all thought the same about you.
Lots of love to all your family, friends and colleagues at this very sad time
Brett & Fiona McKenzie

Dear Brad,
I cannot believe that you are gone... I am really sad to hear that.
I learned many things from you during my APAC assignment and this is wonderful memory for me... Thank you very much. RIP.

No words can express the loss I've experience this week with the passing of someone dear from family and then followed up by sudden news from you my friend.

Still remember our emails exchanged when Liverpool overcame the score line against Barcelona and following year when we won the league.

RIP Brad - a mentor, a coach, a friend, a Liverpool fan!

Dear Brad,

It was a pleasure working with you when I was with Merck. You gave the team opportunities and aways lead by example.

This came as a surprise and I'm at a lost with words.
My condolences to your family!
You are forever the ACE in our heart and will be missed ♥️

Dear Brad,

I have always known you as a person who was always humble, approachable and willing to help. You built strong connections across the diverse group of people and cultures in APAC. You always thought about ways to bring value to the team.

I am at loss of words to learn that you are no longer with us. But, I am inspired to see all the messages here and learn how many lives you touched at Merck.

I pray that your family is able to cope with this loss. I also pray that your memories, your compassion and your smile remain with us forever!


Always remember you as a calm, positive and humble person. It's always soothing talking to you with your amicable character. Always encouraging and bubbly laughter when you're around. Now I can't turn around to chat once in a while anymore :( You will be missed Brad.

Sincere Condolences to the family.

Hi Brad

It's hard to believe this sudden and really sad news. No doubt there are many legacy you have made and many people you have touched as a mentor, trainer, leader, and friends. Especially for myself, in different CE project, training, strategic planning ... you have always been a warm and encouraging leader, colleague and friends. Always offers a helping hand and smile
You might now smiling to us from heaven ... RIP brother
My thought and condolences for dear Lisa, Teghan and Tahila, God loves you.


Brad, who was more than just a mentor to me, was my friend who has had a tremendous influence on my life both personality and professionally. I still can't believe you are no longer with us and working at Merck will never be the same without you.

You will always be in my thoughts and continue to encourage me and inspire me especially in terms of my career. I don't know how to ever thank you for taking me under your wings and guiding me throughout my career. I will miss you and your legacy will live on.

Will miss your warm smile and kindness Brad, deeply saddened to hear the news.. My deepest condolences to Brad's family and loved ones, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
May you rest in peace Brad, you will be dearly missed by many.

Very sad to hear about the untimely demise of Brad. He always came across as someone full of warmth, energy and passionate about what he did. It is too hard to believe that he is no more. May his soul Rest in Peace and may God give his family the strength to bear this irreparable loss.

Posted by Clark Ku on May 20, 2022

Brad! It's too hard to say goodbye!

We first met when we joined a group dinner during the Global Brand Forum in Madrid in June 2017.

I still remember how you introduced yourself, enjoyed exercise, and shared lots of jokes that night. You were so disciplined and only drank sparkling water among wine lovers.

After that, we worked together and completed lots of activities, you always encouraged me to share and speak out during meetings, and also gave me a lot of tips and support while implementing local activities. You were a great mentor, colleague, and friend. Lots of memories I will never forget.


Rest In Peace Brad
I am very sad and shocked hear that you are gone. I remember you as My Great Mentor, great Trainer humble colleague and very positive persons. I still remember that you always give me guidance and feedback how to be a good trainer. I am very lucky works with you and part of your team. You will be with us in my best memories and you will definitely be miss…

Shocked when we first got the news :( You were always cheerful and full of smiles whenever you came by to see your HR friends. Thank you for always being so supportive. You will be dearly missed, Brad. May your soul be at rest. Deepest condolences to Lisa, the girls and your families.

Dear Brad,
I will always remember your calm and gentle personality. Thanks for always so willing to share your knowledge. I still cannot get over the fact that we just met at lunch 2.5 weeks ago and now you are gone. Rest in peace, Brad!

Dear Brad,

It's an honor for me to had a chance to support and work together with you for Omnitopia sessions several times, you are a great person and colleague.
We are all saddened by your passing, but we know God loves you more.
My deep condolences for Brad's family, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Rest in peace and love Brad.

Dear Brad, FB has just reminded us about our outing trip in Can Gio 3 years ago. Everything happens for a reason, now we believed that this trip and your support to our CE team and VN, marked our memories. Rest in peace, my long-time colleague and brother!

Leave a Tribute

Dear Brad,

It has taken the girls and I a while to be able to write this tribute to you. Writing the eulogy for your funeral was so very hard, while at the same time feeling so unreal. None of could be believe you were gone, so instead we focused on making sure you saw how much we loved you, and how appreciated, loved, and respected you were by all of your friends, both professionally and personally. It was wonderful to see the love everyone had for you, and amazing to see your funeral overflowed with people from around the world, work colleagues, and friends, who over the years have become family, and came in the place of them, to make sure you had the send-off you deserved. I will be forever grateful for the kindness that was shown to myself and the girls by so many people who loved you, during this tragic time. Their support meant so much to us, and proved how loved you are.

Words really can't describe how we feel about losing you, nor the devastating reality of watching the girls realise just what this means for them, they both cry at night hoping for just one more hug, yet knowing that it will never come. There is now a massive gap in their lives that will never be filled, and while we draw some comfort from knowing you are finally with Ethan, we wish you were still here for, and with us.

We will always love you, need you, and think of you. I hope you can feel our love and know that you will never be forgotten, and I will do everything I can to make sure the girls can see and remember all of the wonderful things you did, and the generous soul you were.

Once again our eulogy to you; we love and miss you, and will cherish the memories we have xxx

Brad we all love you immensely, and simply cannot believe you have left us so soon. Your gentle soul and nature has been seen by so many who grieve your parting from us. Teghan, Tahlia and myself are in shock from your leaving, and can only hope that you have found peace in being with Ethan again. We will now have 2 guardian angels looking over us.

We had so many plans for the future together, and were preparing to embark on our next stage of life, and watch the girls start to really find out who they are, as they moved though schooling in Singapore. While at the same time planning for our lives over the next several years and our eventual wind down to a lifestyle based life where we could enjoy our time together and the world much more.

The last few days have shown me, how greatly you were loved by so many people. From around the world your friends and colleagues have reached out, not just to share their shock, but their loss at losing you, such a wonderful and loved member of their communities. Your humble integrity and inspiration touched the hearts and minds of others, and lead them to be a better version of themselves. Not many can lay claim to being such an inspiration, and I know that you would never claim to be such, you have always doubted yourself too much and been too humble. But the reality is you are, and I truly hope that you are looking down from heaven and seeing the impact you made, and the legacy you have left for so many.

It is heartening, for Teghan, Tahlia and myself to see the legacy you have left, both in the cycling community and in your workplace. If you ever doubted it, you were truly loved, admired and appreciated. I hope you can see that and believe you made a difference, and that you will always be remembered, not just by us, but by a legion of people your generous soul touched.

I remember when we first met, and we were both developing our careers. I so wanted to get into the pharmaceutical industry, yet you were already comfortably working as a Bank Manager. When I talked passionately about why I wanted pharmaceuticals you become really interested. Which was funny considering how much you hated biology at school, or in reality school in general! However, you watched me go through a couple of interviews and your interest grew. It's funny how things work out, you actually became interested enough to apply for one of the jobs I did not get, and low and behold you got it instead!!! I remember coaching you through basic biology and how we just clicked and became even closer. I went on to do a couple of years in corporate sales management before joining the pharmaceutical world, but you went on to take it by storm and enjoyed every experience and role that came your way. It was such a difference from school, which you hated! Instead you enjoyed learning and stretching yourself. It's amazing to look back and remember those beautiful memories and how we each had such an impact on each other's lives. We earned and grew together, and it really felt like us against the world, we could successfully take on anything! I really hope our girls can understand that one day, and find a relationship like that or themselves.

You found your calling and absolutely loved the pharmaceutical world. Who would ever have thought that the boy who hated biology and English could flourish into a man who not only loved both, but excelled at them. Over achieving on his own, but also supporting others and helping them soar. You became a star, and I really hope you realise that.
We spent many amazing years together, building our lives and careers, and enjoying travel and new experiences. I can't believe we have been together since 1997. It seems to have moved so quickly! Which only shows what a great relationship we have had. We have seen many amazing places together and had the opportunity to raise a beautiful family, despite the challenge of losing Ethan as a baby.

I still remember you holding our babies, Teghan, Tahlia, and Ethan for the first time, the look on your face was pure joy. The love you held for them was there for everyone to see. I know I can show Tahlia and Teghan the photos we have and even as they grow up without you they will be able to see the love you held for them. I never want them to doubt that, or forget how special it was.
I just wish we had managed to make it to the next phase of our lives together, we had so many plans and dreams. I am so sorry that you will not be there to enjoy them with us. It just seems so wrong and such a waste of a wonderful life to have you leave this soon. We all love you so very much.
I know you will be with Ethan, watching over us forever, but still wish so very much that the two of you were still here with us. I never thought you would join him so soon, instead I thought we still had many years of happily watching the girls grow together.

You were a beautiful soul who will be dearly missed, I hope you can see that from where you are now, and know that we will always love you.

With great love and sadness, your wife, Lisa; Teghan and Tahlia xxxxx

Hi Brad,

It's still hard to find a word to say goodbye.

You were a reliable colleague and leader with lots of positivity, and I am grateful that I had many chances to work with you.

Seeing that many people who were sincerely grieving at your service, it reminded me that you were a loved colleague and friend by many of us.

May your soul rest in peace.

This is very shocking news for me,
Brad is one of the nicest and humble human being I came across during my short stint @ MERCK INDIA, the training's that you imparted were very useful and I am deeply indebted to you for the same, may your soul rest in peace and god give strength to your family always
With all my prayers

Dear forever missed Brad,
I can't express my frustration at this sudden death.
Thank you so much for your sincere friendship and effort to improve the leadership and capability of the Korean team for the past 6 years.
I hope you sleep comfortably in heaven.

- Korea Fertility team

Brad, gone too soon…

Mate your passion for work is equally seen with your passion for your fitness (running and/or cycling) and im still in disbelief with what happened to you.

Your leadership has brought us together and kept us safe during our rides, youve helped push us to our limits and maximize our potential. Your cheerfulness kept us positive everytime (and sane during the pandemic). And your friendliness has gone and spread thru the Singapore cycling community farthest that anyone we've known.

We will miss your leadouts, the fun times and chats we had, the local food we all enjoyed and lastly, that smile that imprints in everyone's hearts.

To the hardworking boss, loving husband and father, cycling buddy, running partner, foodie geek and kopi (coffee) loving friend: Rest in paradise amigo.

- Amigos Riders Singapor

We made a great team !

We accomplished so much together in Merck's training initiatives.
Thank you so much for everything you've done for Merck Taiwan.


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