Art of Conquest Switch to Rakan to Use Elixir


  • 1 Rakan Troops
    • one.1 Samurai
    • 1.2 Crossbowmen
    • ane.iii Monks
    • 1.4 Ninja
    • i.v Dragon Turtles
    • ane.6 Trebuchet
    • 1.7 Super Units
  • 2 Buildings
  • three Strategy
    • three.1 Inquiry
    • iii.2 Army Formations
      • 3.ii.1 PvP
      • 3.2.2 PvE
        • 3.two.two.1 Bosses
      • iii.2.iii Seige

One of the playable races in Fine art of Conquest. The Rakan race is an active race that doesn't exercise too when the player sits back and simply watches. They take a lot of nuances and crave y'all to know your enemies equally much equally Humans practice, if not more. But for those that like the active playstyle, don't need to exist rex of PvP, and similar helping out beau house members they can be a very rewarding and awesome race to use. Historically, they were once the best race (around the first one-half of 2019), but they take since been nerfed in balance changes, while other races have been buffed. Because of these changes, they are no longer the best race, merely are still very viable (different Dwarf lol).

Rakan Troops [ ]

Samurai [ ]

Level 7 Samurai with Academy Bonuses

                                  Elite swordsman part of a hereditary warrior form. Annotation that the epitome is rather outdated and the ale event has since changed.                                
Samurai are medium sized tanks with ane key feature: at Silvery and Gold ranks they are immune to morale collapse. This makes them a animal to articulate out as they just don't quit. Anybody will accept to kill every single ane of these units every fourth dimension. They do decent damage likewise. They are however susceptible to area damage and larger units, just the Gold rank has some impairment mitigation that helps with this.
Traits Clarification Tier
Battle Zeal (Active) Costs X Elixer. Within 7 seconds of drinking ale, launches into an Iaijutsu quick-draw assail, dealing heavy impairment. All
Humanoid Unit This is a Humanoid Unit of measurement All
Bloodlust Harm is increased 30% during Morale Boosts. Silverish & Gold
Bushido Code A bushido swordsman with bulletproof volition, this warrior is immune to morale collapses during battle. Silverish & Gold
Iaijutsu Has a 25% of launching an Iaijutsu counterattack when attacked, dealing heavy damage and taking 30% reduced damage for three seconds. Gold

Crossbowmen [ ]

Level 6 Crossbowman with Academy Bonuses

                                      Ranged infantry soldier from the east. Wields a powerful crossbow.                                    
Crossbowmen are the ranged damage powerhouses of the Rakan forces. Pair these guys with the Turtle boosts and you will meet some serious harm output per unit of measurement. Not to mention the fact that they have a pierce ability that deals surface area harm and melts swarms of troops.
Traits Description Tier
Deadly Piercing Arrows (Active) Costs X Elixer. Inside 5 seconds of drinking ale, shoots a dealy piercing pointer that deals area damage to distant enemy targets. All
Light Armor This Unit receives massive damage from enemy troops. All
Humanoid Unit This is a Humanoid Unit of measurement All
Piercing Arrows Attacks take a x% chance of shooting a piercing arrow that deals area damage. Silver & Gold

Monks [ ]

Level vii Monk with Academy bonuses

                                          Religious warrior who fights with fists of fury.                                        
Monks are the Rakan equivalent to the Man Spearmen in that they excel at taking down anything bigger than they are (trivia fact: human spearmen really convert to samurai), but they also take an agile power that grants them a heal over time. Couple that with their immunity to toxicant at Silverish and Gilded ranks and they become a Scorpion + Spider combo Lich thespian'southward worst nightmare.
Traits Description Tier
Evocation (Active) Costs X Elixer. Afterwards drinking ale, recovers health for xv seconds. All
Humanoid Unit of measurement This is a Humanoid Unit of measurement All
Poisonous substance Immunity Allowed to poison damage. Silverish & Gold
Swipe Deals heavy harm to Large and Massive units. Mitigates damage from Large Units by xxx%. Silver & Gold
Flying Kick Fly through the air at enemies inside a certain range, kicking for heavy damage. Aureate

Ninja [ ]

Ninja are ranged damage dealers with an agile ability that teleports them anywhere within a ready radius, increases their dodge and crit chance, and turns them into game changers if used correctly or deal breakers if not. There is a lot of nuance to learning how to play the ninja troops effectively. The biggest function of that is learning when and where to place them for the biggest affect. The Gold rank besides has a devastating poisonous substance effect with their assault that lets them quickly dispatch of anything non Mechanical or immune to poison.
Traits Description Tier
Mirror Image (Active) Costs X Elixer. Within xv seconds of drinking ale, when attacked, blocks damage with a body double that disappears 2 seconds afterward. All
Humanoid Unit This is a Humanoid Unit All
Shadow Strike (Active) Reappear at the target location, switching to melee set on for 10 seconds. Evade chance and Critical hit hazard are profoundly increased during this fourth dimension. Silver & Gilded
Poisoner Weapon is dipped in poison, dealing poison damage every attack, only affects Humanoid, Magical Animal type troops. Gilt

Dragon Turtles [ ]

Dragon Turtles are massive... in every way you tin imagine in regard to this game. They have a ton of striking points and take up a full twenty spaces (4 wide by 5 long) on the troop placement grid. Not to mention they provide a boost that the Rakan are already condign well known for with their drums and Battle Animalism agile ability. They can increase the Hit Points, Attack Power and Assault Speed (Attack Speed only applicative with the Gold Rank) of all other fielded units by up to 15% for the first 15 - 25 seconds of the fight and their active ability Boxing Lust lets y'all cull when to double all those bonuses for an additional 15 seconds. Add that they have some healing capabilities with their basic surface area set on and information technology is easy to see why the Dragon Turtles are an crawly office of whatever army—even non-Rakan ones. It is recommended, in fact, to use a turtle while playing Sylvani
Traits Description Tier
Battle Lust (Active) Costs X Elixer. Pound the state of war drums to spur on all allied units, doubling the efficacy of the state of war drums for 15 seconds. All
Healing Wave Centrolineal troops are healed by the spray spouted out past Dragon Turtles, Dragon Terrapins, and Dragon Tortoises. All
Massive Unit Deals bonus harm to normal and large units. All
Magical Animate being This is a Magical Creature. They take 50% reduced harm from burning, freezing, lightning and holy damage. All
War Drums Increases the hit points of allied units by 10% at the first of battle. Lasts 15 seconds. Statuary
Reinforced War Drums Increases the hit points and attack rating of allied units by 15% at the beginning of battle. Lasts 15 seconds. Argent
Double State of war Drums Increases the hitting points, assault rating, and attack speed of centrolineal units by 15% at the beginning of battle. Lasts 15 seconds. Gold

Trebuchet [ ]

Trebuchets are your standard siege unit. They die easily excel at taking down Gate walls and pair well with Grimms... Nevertheless, Rakans accept the benefit of their turtles giving ally troops a bonus to set on and possibly even attack speed, which gives Rakan an edge when it is time to do some wall busting.
Traits Clarification Tier
Massive Unit Deals bonus damage to normal and big units. All
Mech Mech troops are not affected by Morale, immune to poisonous substance and don't become injured. All
Siege Mastery I Built to siege. Deals bonus impairment to fortifications but cannot pillage resource during boxing. Bronze
Siege Mastery II Built to siege. Deals bonus harm to fortifications only cannot pillage resources during boxing. Silver
Siege Mastery III Congenital to siege. Deals heavy bonus damage to fortifications but cannot pillage resource during battle. Gilded

Super Units [ ]

Template:Rakan Super Unit of measurement Traits

The Dragonboat is a Rakan Super Unit buildable by Governors of Pocket-size Cities and Cities (who take unlocked the Rank: Knuckles). Information technology is a large, high damage dealer that boasts unlimited range on the battle field.
The Dragonship is also a Rakan Super Unit except buildable by Governors of Large and Giant Cities (who have unlocked the Rank: Prince). Information technology possesses better stats than the Dragonboat that only increase the mass amount of harm it tin deal.

Buildings [ ]

Palace - The primary building of the Rakan race. Upgrade your buildings and change your race from hither.
Warehouse - This is where Rakans protect some of their resource.
Hospital - Heals your troops
Alchemy Core - Transmute un-used gear and craft new gear.
Academy - Research enhancements for your troops here.
Bastille - Upgrading this increases your Bronze, Silverish and Gold army chapters.
Tactics School - Practice battles that proceeds you resources but don't take a chance losing any of your troops.
Residence - Gold generator
Moon Well - Elixir generator
Sawmill - Forest generator
Dojo - Trains Samurai, Ronin and Blademasters.
Crossbow Range - Trains Crossbowmen, Arbalesters and Desperados.
Monastery - Trains Monks, Gurus and Lamas.
Sanctum - Builds Ninja, Assassins and Shadows. Unlocked at Rank: Squire.
Assembly K - Builds Trebuchet, Vanquishers, War Hawks, Dragonboats and Dragonships. Unlocked at Rank: Baron. Super Units unlocked at Rank: Duke & Prince.
Waterhole - Trains Dragon Turtles, Dragon Terrapins and Dragon Tortoises. Unlocked at Rank: Count

Strategy [ ]

Enquiry [ ]

My become-to respond for Research is to research what you like to use and play with virtually often, with the one caveat that yous should stick to the rare resource division as best y'all can. Rare resources division means that trying to focus both Monks and Crossbowmen will make your life harder, as they both require Claret Diamonds to train. The same for Turtles and Ninja, or Samurai and Trebuchet. Nevertheless, there are a few things you should be aware of.
  • The Tier 6 Upgrade for each unit of measurement type tin can be really strong... depending on what you use. Hither are a few pointers:
    • Blademasters (Samurai Gold Tier)
      • Blademasters get added damage mitigation when their Iaijutsu triggers. Couple that with their Bushido Code and they brand astonishing wall defenders and front line tanks. Withal, if you aren't using the Gold Blademaster anywhere this one isn't useful at all... Although they are a all-time in course for wall defense, then if you aren't using them at all y'all may want to consider it, at to the lowest degree in your garrison.
    • Arbalesters & Depserados (Crossbowmen Silver and Gilt Tier)
      • Arbalesters and Desperados go a bonus to their pierce damage. Where information technology works for argent tier as well and Crossbowmen are the only true area damage the Rakan race has. This one is nigh a must have even if you only run silver Arbalesters and generally skip out on the Aureate Desperados.
    • Lamas (Monk Golden Tier)
      • Lamas get a 50% damage reduction for 10 seconds after executing their flying kicking. This makes them extremely effective confronting Man Lancer troops every bit they tin deal massive harm with little threat of reprisal. Non to mention the fact that they volition generally put themselves at the forefront of enemy focus because they get out ahead of other troops due to the kick and the damage mitigation helps them survive that. If yous are using Golden Monks then this is a must.
    • Shadows (Ninja Aureate Tier)
      • Shadows become a huge bonus (+50%) to their poison harm. While not the most helpful in all situations and limited to only the gold tier troops if y'all similar the teleport ability and use Gold Ninja then this i is highly recommended. If yous only employ argent, and then don't bother focusing on this skill.
    • Dragon Tortoises (Dragon Turtle Gold Tier)
      • Dragon Tortoises become a heave to the elapsing of their Double War Drums. While normally not something anyone would consider, as the turtles accept 35 regular army capacity each, this ability can really polish when you lot become a Gold Turtle in your garrison. More troops are deployed when defending than you commonly could and the added 10 seconds of bonus set on speed really helps Rakan defense shine. Information technology is a large spend for a solitary turtle merely it can solidify a defense and brand the life of attackers miserable very chop-chop. However, it is likewise worth noting that due to the rather irregular size of these turtles can get in hard to fit them into your garrison formation well.
    • War Hawks (Trebuchet Gilded Tier)
      • War Hawks get boosted bonus damage to walls. Only use this if yous are focusing on wall breaking. If y'all happen to be doing just that and then keep in heed that this bonus forth with Turtle boosts can put yous in the superlative tier wall breakers. You won't go many resource at all from each set on but you will deal some serious harm to enemy walls. (As always watch out for defense switches in betwixt battles. Always Always ALWAYS tap abroad from a base of operations and and then tap back before making follow up attacks. Losing a Aureate War Hawk is cringeworthy at best and devastating at worst). These State of war Hawks are extremely helpful in City Clash events, but it tin can be hard to get the Aureate Capacity to practice and then. If yous wish to be extremely competitive in these events, information technology is worth creating a 2nd account to loan y'all these war hawks during events.

Regular army Formations [ ]

PvP [ ]

Play to your enemies weakness and be prepared for things to not become as expected. Besides, call up that Rakan is an active race and everything goes at one-half speed in PvP meaning they lose much of their potential benefits as you tin can only do half as many things or fewer depending on how the battle goes. Note: This one-half speed info may be wrong... I (other author) accept interpreted it equally the whole battle'southward playing speed it halved, and then is everything related.
  • Human being
    • Forepart Line - They will likely be running lancers which means you'll need at least silverish tier monks. Simply be sure to cheque what their highest research tier is because if you get striking by a human being running Swordsmen in place of lancers they will wreck your monks in brusk order and Samurai would be a much improve alternative.
    • Damage - Hither your Crossbowmen will shine. Their pierce damage volition take out Archers and Priestesses that they've placed behind their ain front line which can make your job a lot easier. Another affair to consider though is this is also where your Ninja volition shine. With their teleport ability, they tin can drop full troops of equal level units in a couple of seconds and where their power but takes half the normal global cooldown you lot can chop-chop become multiple troops of Ninja behind enemy lines. Their front line will crumble before long thereafter as they would lose all support and damage troops and be completely surrounded.
    • Back up - Hither your Ale can fill in needed holes or yous can bring along a turtle or ii (Remember how big they are though and their size ofttimes limits the realized benefit they bring). Apply either as you see fit but I recommend playing with each exterior of a PvP setting so you lot tin retry as many times equally is needed and not risk losing such an expensive unit all at once.
  • Dwarf
    • Front Line - This one volition be a chance. Whales volition frequently even so utilise Mechs and your monks are the perfect counter to that just if they apply Miners you are really going to struggle. Miners are, in my opinion, the hardest unit for Rakan to deal with effectively. They're not big (and then no bonus damage for monks), they accept a stun and tons of health. Significant both tank options are out. If you attempt Turtles, which do alright at stalling miners simply non killing them, then you have to worry about Riflemen headshots and mixed in Mech units dealing massive impairment faster than y'all tin can respond to. This is where your harm dealer option can help. In any situation, you will want to be on your toes because a dwarf attack can go south for you before the match has fifty-fifty gotten fully under sway. However, due to recent balance changes Dwarves have largely disappeared as they are no longer very feasible (data accurate every bit of 25 July 2019).
    • Harm - Ninja are going to be your damage dealer of choice vs Dwarfs. Mechs take a shield that protects from ranged damage but Ninja tin become melee for 10 seconds with a bonus to crit chance and contrivance. Ninjas can also teleport on tiptop of Blaster or Riflemen troops and wreck them fast. The just real struggle that Ninja has vs dwarf is against tanks. The ninja's contrivance after teleport volition piece of work best against big slow attacks simply is much less constructive against rapid smaller attacks. Tanks have a rapid smaller attack in their machine gun and flamethrowers, and so yous will want to be extra careful where y'all place your teleporting ninja when tanks are involved because your surprise attack can backfire and leave you a troop down faster than your half time cooldown can reset... and it really hurts your chances to win if that happens.
    • Support - Ale is going to be your best friend on this one. Turtles are mostly besides large of a take a chance to utilize vs Dwarfs (See above) and so wisely using ale at the right times tin can help make upwards for the loss in bonus stats that turtles bring. Once again I strongly recommend trying all of this out multiple ways in a PvE setting where you tin repeat and have no risk of losing anything. Your best offense and defense will exist knowing what to use and when.
  • Lich
    • Forepart Line - In the current meta, you can virtually identify money on a battle with a Lich being Scorpions and Spiders. That is and so ridiculously in your favor that you tin can about laugh when you challenge them or vice versus. Monks, Monks, Monks. That is pretty much all you demand to know. Your monks will need to for sure be at least Silver tier for the immunity to poison but between that, their swipe bonus damage to big and massive units and their Ale heal ability Monks tin can almost say "I got this" and accept a political party. However, go on in listen that Rakans are weaker in total regular stats so you can never merely sit down back and spotter like the Lich role player can.
    • Damage - Here in that location are pluses for both Crossbowmen and Ninja. Crossbowmen get added range via research and can aid clear out the spiderlings really like shooting fish in a barrel. Ninjas can teleport behind a spider and drop information technology before it can react. Neither is the surefire winner simply both if played well tin can be very effective. One matter to be very clear on for Ninja. If they go focused past a spider and they can't kill it in the next 2d or 2 and so they will lose. One hit from a spider, even if information technology is simply the surface area damage will poison your ninja and they don't have the health to survive that for long at all. Be very conscientious when teleporting about a spider.
    • Back up - Ale and peradventure i turtle for a quick heal and stat boost is what yous will need. Be aware of when to use what. Cognition will be your biggest nugget.
  • Rakan
    • Front Line - All Rakan units with the exception of the turtle are normal size. Turtles don't bargain much damage meaning your Samurai are the get-to tank y'all will demand when going up against other Rakan, except that they volition do the same and then it becomes a battle of who has the higher level units and uses their Ale ameliorate. This is 1 fourth dimension when peradventure using turtles on the forepart line might exist recommended. Monks will impale them faster than you lot can do anything almost but if yous run a turtle and samurai their monks will die in brusque order leaving you with the upper paw. This battle will be a tough one and much of information technology will be upwards to how you place your troops compared to how they place theirs.
    • Damage - Crossbowmen will take the pb here. A Troop or ii of Ninja teleporting to have out a high profile target tin definitely assistance but where Rakan troops are numerous and normal size the area damage of Crossbowmen will give you an border.
    • Support - Play to the field. Utilize Ale if information technology seems like a better reply and turtle buffs if that seems like a better answer. This 1 is a tough call considering in theory... your opponent has nonetheless tricks and aces in the hole that you lot practise... and that is a scary matter indeed.

PvE [ ]

Bosses [ ]

Seige [ ]

Unit Equivalents by Research Categories Edit
Race 1 two iii 4 5 Seige
Human Spearmen Archer Swordsmen Cavalry Priestesses Catapult
Dwarf Miners Riflemen Blasters Mechsuits Tanks Cannons
Lich Marauder Acolytes Scorpions Mummies Spiders Ballistas
Rakan Samurai Crossbowmen Monks Ninjas Dragon Turtles Trebuchet
Sylph (Not Released)

Pages in category "Rakan"

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