Trying to Have Sex Again After Assualt

At a congressional hearing before this year on the military's response to sexual attack, Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., revealed that she was raped by a superior officer during her fourth dimension serving in the Air Force. Similar to many fellow service members who shared the same experience, she chose not to report it.

"Similar and so many women and men, I didn't trust the system at the fourth dimension," said McSally at the hearing. "I blamed myself. I was aback and confused. I idea I was strong but felt powerless. The perpetrators driveling their position of power in profound ways."

When she chose to disclose later on in her military career, the responses she received were wholly inadequate. In fact, she said that she "felt like the system was raping [her] all over again."

Years have passed since McSally retired from the Air Force in 2010, and the military has taken some activity to address the issue of sexual assault. Created by the Department of Defense, a Sexual Set on Accountability and Investigation Task Strength reviewed how the armed forces handles sexual assault and offered a number of recommendations to protect and support survivors (PDF, 558 KB).

But a 2019 Pentagon report on sexual assault in the war machine ranks illuminated but how prevalent the problem remains. In 2018, approximately xx,500 service members experienced sexual attack in the war machine, about a 38% increment since 2016.

To shed light on why sexual assault remains a problem inside the military, the MSW@USC sat down with Sara Kintzle, an associate inquiry professor at the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work'south Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans and Armed services Families. Kintzle has not merely done extensive research on sexual assault within the war machine but also works on prevention efforts and skills trainings for service members.

"There has been a culture shift within the military machine, with a pretty potent effort to recognize that sexual set on is something that happens, that there are factors within the military that make people vulnerable to experiencing sexual assail, and that more needs to be done to accost those issues and to support people who report," Kintzle said.

How Prevalent Is Armed forces Sexual Assault?

Military sexual assault affects service members of all ages, genders, sexualities and ranks. Approximately vi.ii% of active duty women and 0.7% of active duty men ages 17 to 24 experienced sexual assault in 2018. The aforementioned Pentagon study indicates that the majority of sexual assaults in 2018 occurred between people ages 17 to 24 who piece of work, train or live in close proximity to each other. Female service members reported that offenders were most frequently friends or acquaintances.

Pie chart of the number of service members who experienced sexual assault and line graph showing the rates of assault for men and women over time.

Approximately 20,500 service members experienced sexual assault in 2018, comprising six.two% of female service members and 0.vii% of male service members.

Become to the lesser of the page for a tabular version of data regarding the number of service members who experienced sexual assail in the past year and the differences in prevalence betwixt genders.

Service members who are young, simply entering their first duty station, or beingness transferred to a new duty station are particularly vulnerable, said Kintzle.

"Those are the times when you don't know a lot of people, when you lot're new to the unit," she said. "Those are times when you lot're actually shaping your views virtually the civilization of the military."

One positive finding from the Pentagon study is the uptick in reporting. During the past decade, reporting rates take quadrupled. In 2018, approximately one-tertiary of those estimated to have experienced sexual assault reported the incident, though the rate for agile duty men (17%) significantly lags behind that of agile duty women (37%).

Line graph of the number of reports of sexual assault of service members since 2008.

The total number of reports of sexual assail filed by service members has increased from 2,340 in fiscal year 2008 to 6,053 in fiscal year 2018.

Become to the lesser of the folio for a tabular version of information regarding reports of sexual assault filed by service members.

How Can Military Sexual Assault Affect Service Members' Health?

Kintzle and her colleagues published a study in 2017 that details the effects of military sexual set on on physical and psychological health. Challenges that people who have experienced sexual assault can face equally a result of sexual trauma include merely are not limited to:

  • Chronic pain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Eating disorders
  • Depression
  • Dissociative disorder
  • Substance misuse
  • Panic disorder
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Sexual assault trauma can take short- and long-term effects. Compared to civilians, those who experience military sexual attack may be less able to take time off or abroad from piece of work to procedure their trauma. They may also be forced to relive their trauma when continuing to live and piece of work alongside their assailant. If developed, psychological and emotional bug can bear upon a person's ability to perform physically and maintain full employment, reducing overall quality of life.

These issues tin can likewise develop years after the incident has occurred and the service member has separated from the military.

"For some women who were in the military xx, 30, or xl years ago, they talk most being sexually assaulted and waking up the adjacent day and just trying to move on with their lives," Kintzle said. "It wasn't until they got out of the military, or when they got married and had children that, all suddenly, the emotions and everything they pushed away came back into their lives and caused a lot of hurting and discomfort."

To ensure people receive timely and appropriate care then they can address their experience and cope with what has happened, the armed services will need to acknowledge the psychological affect of sexual assault. In another study on mental health care utilization in female veterans who have experienced sexual trauma, Kintzle and colleagues found a number of barriers to getting care including abstention, stigma, lack of availability of gender-sensitive intendance, poor human relationship with the military machine system and concerns virtually the effect on i's career. Men who take experienced sexual assault can encounter fifty-fifty greater stigma from leadership who choose to avoid the issue.

What Role Does Armed forces Culture Play in Armed services Sexual Assault?

In a divide review article regarding the complex dynamics of military sexual assault, Kintzle and her co-authors delve into the root causes and cultural factors within the military machine that make this problem so difficult to address. The root causes for military sexual assault mirror those of sexual assaults amid civilians but may exist exacerbated past war machine culture.

I root cause identified by Kintzle and colleagues is gender stereotypes. The patriarchal structure of the armed forces and the emphasis placed on masculine ideals may encourage notions of authority, aggression, self-sufficiency and risk taking. When added to power differentials between men and women in the military and a civilisation of homophobia, this can lead to hyper-masculine men who choose to testify their masculinity through the use of sexual language and beliefs. The authors note that hyper-masculinity tin can also go dangerous when combined with a sense of entitlement to sex. Soldiers sometimes learn to limit their empathy in lodge to consummate combat duties and could potentially apply that to boyfriend service members, making information technology easier to perpetrate sexual assail.

Some other cause that the authors identify is cultural acceptance. Like civilians who take experienced sexual assault, many of those in the military do not seek help or report sexual assault because they fear zero will be done. They may face arraign, invasions of privacy, incredulous questioning and even retaliation, all of which tin cause secondary victimization.


of women who were assaulted and made a study said the feel of reporting was negative.


said the experience of reporting was negative and they were met with attempts to deter them.

Source: Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Role. (2019, May 2). "Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Written report on Sexual Assault in the Armed forces." Section of Defense.

Yet, unlike the root causes, there are cultural factors that are specific to the armed forces that contribute to sexual assault and underreporting, such every bit unit of measurement cohesion.

"Reporting a sexual assault can experience like a expose to their unit," Kintzle said. "They tin can feel like they're going to cause trouble and disrupt the cohesion and the morale of their group, and then that adds a level of conflict to the situation that you might not take in other situations where you are reporting sexual assail."

Factors in Military Culture That Influence Sexual Assault and Reporting

Value on performance:Leaders may minimize or dismiss claims against loftier performers equally a result of the value placed on individual and team functioning.

Problem resolution at the lowest level: Service members are expected to resolve conflicts betwixt themselves, which can result in harassment and set on going unreported.

Movement of armed forces personnel: Motility of personnel is essential for professional development just allows perpetrators to have advantage of others who are new to the unit of measurement.

Team allegiance: Reporting a team member tin can be seen equally a form of team expose. Other team members may feel that reporting is unnecessarily making a large deal.

Leadership responsibleness:When reports are made, leaders may feel that they will be blamed for assuasive such an environment to exist. They may not want to human action on incidents.

Military machine reporting system:Reporting is a complicated process. While service members can choose to report privately, that confidentiality can exist difficult to maintain.

Armed forces resilience building programs: Service members are trained to cope in stressful situations. This accent on resilience may actually forestall people from getting assist.

Prior restrictions on task assignments:For many years, women were restricted from positions that led to promotion, sending the message that they were not as valuable as men.

Emphasis on training:All service members receive the same prevention training, but everyone is non at equal risk all the time. The trainings lack health risk reduction strategies.

Living arrangements: Coed dormitories and barracks are high-risk areas. Meaning efforts should be undertaken to raise the condom of the occupants.

Military legal organization:Various rules make convictions hard. Onetime policies allowed military performance of the perpetrator and the lifestyle of their victim to be considered every bit evidence.

What Can Be Washed to Address Military Sexual Assault?

Kintzle and her co-authors provide a number of recommendations for how to address the problem of sexual assault in the military machine:

  1. Agree leadership accountable. Leaders at all levels are responsible for creating a good for you climate and should be monitored to ensure that they are non minimizing claims or retaliating.
  2. Improve the reporting system. The military should create a single database that maintains all accusations of set on equally well as harassment and stalking to identify serial predators. All individuals who run across an incident should be held accountable for reporting it, but the person who experienced the assault should be the simply person deciding whether to file a formal report.
  3. Modify existing laws to prevent assault. Certain laws should be reviewed to determine if they really create barriers to reporting or are used every bit retaliation confronting those who study.
  4. Provide increased support for survivors. The medical treatment protocol may be insufficient, and those who experience assault may demand long-term care that addresses psychological issues and other concerns related to transitioning out of the military.
  5. Meliorate sexual assault prevention skill training. These trainings should focus on psychoeducation and risk-reduction skills, with special attention paid to addressing root causes and cultural factors in the war machine.

Kintzle has helped to develop a sexual assault prevention plan that has been pilot tested at several regular army bases throughout the United States. The program focuses on skills training and didactics, homing in on specific moments when service members are most vulnerable to sexual assault, such as when they transfer to a new duty station. Grooming for a adult female entering her first duty station would be focused on what her specific military experience is going to be like and how she can protect herself.

"That does non mean that if sexual assail does occur that they are to blame, only nosotros desire to give people all the tools they demand to decrease susceptibility equally much as possible," Kintzle explained.

A leader, on the other hand, may receive preparation that focuses more on what to do if someone discloses sexual set on. The grooming might cover questions like: How practice I react in the right way? What do I say? How exercise I show someone who claims sexual assault that I believe them?

These trainings are designed to help service members speak out when they meet or experience something that makes them experience uncomfortable. Rather than just learning almost what constitutes attack and how to report, service members are active participants in the chat and can share what they call back is and isn't appropriate and how they would handle the situation.

The overarching goal is to modify the culture of the military to ensure that those who feel sexual assail feel supported.

"Someone who discloses sexual assail and feels that they're believed, that what happened to them is validated, and that their emotions and reaction to it are valid is going to take a very different feel than somebody who is questioned," Kintzle said. "Those things can really impact the trajectory of how someone heals after a sexual assail."

The post-obit section includes tabular data from the graphic in this mail.

Sexual Attack in the Military

Estimated Number of Service Members who Experienced Sexual Assault in the Past Yr

Past Yr Prevalence of Sexual Assault

Source: Sexual Attack Prevention and Response Office. (2019, May two). "Financial Yr 2018 Annual Written report on Sexual Assault in the Military." Department of Defense.

Back to graphic

Sexual Attack Reporting in the Military

Number of Sexual Assaults Reported by Service Members for Incidents That Occurred During Military Service

Source: Sexual Assail Prevention and Response Part. (2019, May 2). "Financial Yr 2018 Annual Written report on Sexual Attack in the War machine." Department of Defense.

Back to graphic

Citation for this content: The MSW@USC, the online Chief of Social Work program at the University of Southern California.


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